About -

佐 々 木 育 弥 IKUYA SASAKI
1985年, 北海道上士幌町生まれ
2007年, 東海大学芸術工学部くらしデザイン学科卒業


大学卒業後, 建築設計デザイン事務所に入社.
その後, 写真を通してできる「人とのつながり」に心を打たれ
「ひとたび 一度・人旅」をライフワークとする.


Ikuya Sasaki, born in 1985 and raised in Hokkaido,
is a freelance photographer whose works are based in Hokkaido. 
After the graduation of university,
he had worked in an architecture design office. 
Later on, he was impressed by "making emotional connections with people"
yielded from photo taking,
and started solitary study of photography through traveling abroad. 
His lifework is recording the moment of
"Hito-Tabi" which means "Once, a journey towards people "

About -

佐 々 木 育 弥 IKUYA SASAKI
1985年, 北海道上士幌町生まれ
2007年, 東海大学芸術工学部くらしデザイン学科卒業


大学卒業後, 建築設計デザイン事務所に入社.
その後, 写真を通してできる「人とのつながり」に心を打たれ
「ひとたび 一度・人旅」をライフワークとする.
Ikuya Sasaki, born in 1985 and raised in Hokkaido,
is a freelance photographer whose works are based in Hokkaido. 
After the graduation of university,
he had worked in an architecture design office. 
Later on, he was impressed by "making emotional connections with people"
yielded from photo taking,
and started solitary study of photography through traveling abroad. 
His lifework is recording the moment of
"Hito-Tabi" which means "Once, a journey towards people "